Category Archives: Technical

Workaround for OVMM database restore BUG – OVCA 2.0.2 – OVM3.2.8.x

If you ever have to restore the Oracle Virtual Machine Manager database using the provided, chances are that you will end up with a bunch of corrupted or missing tables in the back-end MySQL database schema. Specifically, all tables … Continue reading

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Lesson learned: How to kill an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance

If you’re having a rather dull afternoon at the office, and you happen to have an OVCA as your personal playground, you can always try this little trick to spice up your day: Point your browser to the Oracle VM … Continue reading

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Remove password and watermark from pdf on Ubuntu 14

For this recipe we need ghostscript which is/should be installed by default, as well as pdftk and xpdf-utils: apt-get install pdftk sudo apt-get install xpdf-utils If the PDF is encrypted with a password, remove it using xpdf-utils and ghostscript: pdftops … Continue reading

Posted in Technical, Ubuntu | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Fast Track: ElasticSearch on CentOS 6.x on DigitalOcean VPS

yum install wget cd /opt wget –no-cookies –no-check-certificate –header “Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie” “” tar xzf jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz cd jdk1.7.0_67/ alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/java 2 alternatives –config java alternatives –install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/jar 2 alternatives –install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/javac 2 alternatives –set … Continue reading

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Installing MediaWiki 1.20.2 with Oracle 11g Express Edition

I encountered and worked around a couple of issues when installing MediaWiki 1.20.2 with Oracle 11g Express Edition as the database back-end. The solutions below can be also applied to MediaWiki 1.20.0 and 1.20.1. I did the installation on … Continue reading

Posted in Oracle, PHP, Technical | 1 Comment

Open source software alternatives for Oracle database

Here’s a very short list of open source server software that I have found to run smoothly with an Oracle database back-end. All will work with the free Express Edition. Blog or Photoblog While a bit of an overkill for … Continue reading

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PHP and Oracle on Ubuntu

I always meant to let my php scripts on my Ubuntu server access Oracle databases, thus quite possibly making it into a Linux, Apache, Oracle and PHP server. I do wonder how you would smoothly pronounce the resulting acronym. Anyway, … Continue reading

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Adding an additional listener to ODA

After deploying an Oracle Database Appliance, a standard set of production listeners are configured on bond0. This includes one listener on each of the virtual ip interfaces, and two SCAN listeners. In my environment, I would very much like to … Continue reading

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Restore database to new or redeployed ODA

Doing a restore from an RMAN backup to a freshly deployed Oracle Database Appliance seems like a conceivable scenario, so I figured it would be nice to have tried it at least once. For this test, I have a backupset on … Continue reading

Posted in ODA, Oracle, Technical | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Erase and Rewind – Redeploying Oracle Database Appliance (2.3.0 image)

After using an Oracle Database Appliance for a bit of testing, it was time to get it ready for production. I decided to start with a fresh deploy and re-initializing shared storage. Note that this is the 2.3.0 base image, … Continue reading

Posted in General, ODA, Oracle | Tagged , , | 2 Comments