Category Archives: Technical

Raspberry Pi 5 Storage Performance

Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB in Argon Neo 5 M.2 NVMe case

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Empowering Self-Managed Kubernetes with Kubernetes Crossplane

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard for container orchestration. Its robust features and vibrant ecosystem have propelled it into the mainstream, enabling organizations to streamline their deployment processes and scale applications … Continue reading

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Docker and Kubernetes on MacOS in 2023

Prerequisite: install brew /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” Docker with brew brew install docker docker-compose colimacolima startdocker ps Kubernetes too? brew install k3d kubectlk3d cluster create default –servers 1 –agents 3 –image rancher/k3s:latestkubectl get nodes PS. Works on Intel based … Continue reading

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Initial Nvidia Jetson Nano performance numbers

Here are some numbers illustrating the performance I have seen for the Nvidia Jetson Nano so far. Deep learning  Training this PyTorch Image Classifier with the flower data set, took just under 10 hours for the full 30 epochs.  Not at all … Continue reading

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Tips and tricks for the Nvidia Jetson Nano

I have just received my Nvidia Jetson Nano development kit, and over time this post should turn into a collection of tips and tricks for this very interesting almost single-board-computer. 1. Getting started There is a pretty good tutorial available … Continue reading

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Workaround: Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.2 – SSH tries to connect via HTTP proxy

With Mac OS X release 10.13.2 Apple introduced a new bug where OpenSSH will attempt to use any web proxy configured from a DAC file. As SSH is not HTTP this will typically not work, resulting in connection timeouts or other … Continue reading

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Fast track: Installing Ansible 2.1 stable on Oracle Linux 6.7

Ansible can certainly be installed using prebuilt packages from the EPEL repository, but while convenient, their offering is limited to Ansible 1.9.x – that is to say only versions prior to the major 2.0 release that includes a number of … Continue reading

Posted in Ansible, CentOS, Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Technical | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Adding Oracle Database Appliance to ULN

At some point you may want to register an Oracle Database Appliance with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network so you can get a critical security update, without running a complete ODA update bundle. However, if you happen to be running … Continue reading

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Make Oracle VM 3.2.x console work on OL6

How to make Oracle VM 3.2.x RAS proxy work on OL6 1) Install Iced Tea sudo yum install icedtea-web 2) locate sudo vi /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- 3) comment out the line starting with: jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms= Additional tip: If the browser can’t connect … Continue reading

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Fast track: Deploy EM 13c agent on Oracle Linux 6

Key steps to do an initial deploy of the Enterprise Manager 13c agent on Oracle Linux 6 Please note that my fast track posts are intended for lab use only. Install OL6 or deploy VM template from Oracle disable iptables adduser … Continue reading

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