Fast track: Deploy EM 13c agent on Oracle Linux 6

Key steps to do an initial deploy of the Enterprise Manager 13c agent on Oracle Linux 6

Please note that my fast track posts are intended for lab use only.

  • Install OL6 or deploy VM template from Oracle
  • disable iptables
  • adduser oem
  • Give sudo access with nopasswd – requiretty  must be disabled (visudo)
  • mkdir /opt/agentHome
  • chown oem:oem /opt/agentHome
  • yum install make binutils gcc libaio sysstat glibc-common libstdc++
    • EM will tell you if anything is missing when you push the agent
  • ensure oem host can be reached by it’s default FQDN
  • push agent from EM web console:
    • setup.. add target .. add targets manually
    • enter FQDN of target
    • specify /opt/agentHome as the agent home directory
    • specify credentials for oem user (with sudo root)
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Workaround for OVMM database restore BUG – OVCA 2.0.2 – OVM3.2.8.x

If you ever have to restore the Oracle Virtual Machine Manager database using the provided, chances are that you will end up with a bunch of corrupted or missing tables in the back-end MySQL database schema. Specifically, all tables with 0 rows will be dysfunctional after successful restore. In turn this prevents management of compute-nodes, virtual machines and other resources.

I don’t know which other versions of OVM might be affected, but the latest 2.0.2 software release for the Virtual Compute Appliance certainly is.

I wrote a workaround that will identify, drop and re-create the corrupted tables. No guarantees, but it did the trick here. Perhaps it can save someone a bit of a headache.



Assorted errors related to missing tables after restoring OVMM database using provided tools.


While trying to stop a VM server:

OVMAPI_6000E Internal Error: Caught during commit: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table ‘ovs.Mgr_ServerStoppingEvent’ doesn’t exist

Affected Versions
Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Software Release 2.0.2
Oracle VM Manager Software Release 3.2.8.x

Working Theory

All ovs tables with 0 rows are corrupted during restore.

Steps to repdroduce

1. Restore OVMM database using /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_shell/tools/

2. Query all tables in ovs schema

3. Look for ERROR 1146


service ovmm stop ; service ovmm_mysql stop


sudo -u oracle /bin/bash /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_shell/tools/ AutoFullBackup-20150510_0100


service ovmm_mysql start


This should identify, drop and re-create affected tables:

/usr/bin/mysql -D ovs -b -f -s -u root -pWelcome1 -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock -e “show tables;” | awk ‘{print “select count(*) from ” $1 “;” }’ | /usr/bin/mysql -D ovs -b -f -s -u root -pWelcome1 -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep “ERROR 1146” | awk –field-separator=\’ ‘{print “drop table ” $2 “;\ncreate table ” $2″(m_id bigint,m_data longblob,primary key (m_id));”}’ | /usr/bin/mysql -D ovs -b -f -s -u root -pWelcome1 -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock


service ovmm start

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Lesson learned: How to kill an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance

If you’re having a rather dull afternoon at the office, and you happen to have an OVCA as your personal playground, you can always try this little trick to spice up your day: Point your browser to the Oracle VM Manager, look for the the network configuration tab and attempt to make the storage and heartbeat network available to virtual machines. I can virtually promise you that your day will be more interesting. Much more. Almost instantly.

Without spoiling all of the little surprises, I can disclose that you will have some enlightening moments watching the first compute node (typically ovcacn07r1) head for a rapid reboot, just as soon as the cluster watchdog sees that the OCFS2 voting drive is no longer responding. Granted, it may take a few moments for it to notice, but I can assure you that it’s worth waiting for. You see, it will leave behind an inconsistent Oracle VM Pool, which in turn will trigger dozens of interesting events.

If and when you manage to start any of the lost guest machines, the fun increases as you can watch the pool balancer continuously migrating machines from one compute node to the next. Personally I found this last bit absolutely fascinating. For an additional kick, try having an open ssh session to one such machine.

I will leave the rest for you to figure out. Tons of fun!

Now, if on the other hand, you have an OVCA running, say, a production workload, I strongly suggest you keep your VMs very much isolated from the network.

Well, unless you are you are really, really, really bored and you, preferably, get paid by the hour.

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Remove password and watermark from pdf on Ubuntu 14

For this recipe we need ghostscript which is/should be installed by default, as well as pdftk and xpdf-utils:

apt-get install pdftk
sudo apt-get install xpdf-utils

If the PDF is encrypted with a password, remove it using xpdf-utils and ghostscript:

pdftops -upw PASSWORD encrypted.pdf
ps2pdf plaintext.pdf

Now remove the watermark with sed and repair it with pdftk, assuming the file name is plaintext.pdf

sed -e "s/THISISTHEWATERMARK/ /g" <plaintext.pdf >nowatermark.pdf && pdftk nowatermark.pdf output repaired.pdf && mv repaired.pdf nowatermark.pdf

Resulting in the final nowatermark.pdf without encryption or watermark

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Fast Track: ElasticSearch on CentOS 6.x on DigitalOcean VPS

yum install wget
cd /opt
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""
tar xzf jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz
cd jdk1.7.0_67/
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/java 2
alternatives --config java
alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/jar 2
alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/javac 2
alternatives --set jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/jar
alternatives --set javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_67/bin/javac
rpm --import
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
name=Elasticsearch repository for 1.3.x packages
yum install elastic search
/sbin/chkconfig --add elastic search
service elastic search start
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install polyfractal/elasticsearch-inquisitor
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Installing MediaWiki 1.20.2 with Oracle 11g Express Edition

I encountered and worked around a couple of issues when installing MediaWiki 1.20.2 with Oracle 11g Express Edition as the database back-end. The solutions below can be also applied to MediaWiki 1.20.0 and 1.20.1.

I did the installation on top of Zend Server Community Edition, saving me the trouble of tinkering too much with apache, php and oracle drivers.

First out, the web installer did not accept the new Easy Connect string format, even though the help text encouraged such use. The Zend Server environment doesn’t play well with TNS based connect strings these days, so I worked around this by commenting out the validation code on line 90 and 91 includes/installer/OracleInstaller.php:

[roy@lonora02 installer]# diff OracleInstaller.php.orig OracleInstaller.php
< } elseif ( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$/', $newValues['wgDBserver'] ) ) {
< $status->fatal( 'config-invalid-db-server-oracle', $newValues['wgDBserver'] );
> // } elseif ( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$/', $newValues['wgDBserver'] ) ) {
> // $status->fatal( 'config-invalid-db-server-oracle', $newValues['wgDBserver'] );

The installer now accepted localhost/XE:POOLED quite nicely for my Oracle 11g XE database with Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) enabled.

After a couple of attempts, I found that the installer failed to create a database user, so I created a user manually, I suppose this is a good practice in any event, based on maintenance/oracle/user.sql

[oracle@lonora02 ~]$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

create user wikiuser identified by SECRET default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users;

grant connect,resource to wikiuser;

grant alter session to wikiuser;

grant ctxapp to wikiuser;

grant execute on ctx_ddl to wikiuser;

grant create view, create synonym, create table, create sequence, create trigger to wikiuser;

After installation successfuly completed, I found a bug that was introduced in MediaWiki 1.20.0, where an array would incorrectly translate to a variable thus breaking a lot of SQL queries and making the wiki all but unusable. Luckily, I was able to borrow an existing workaround from the Postgres database script and modified includes/db/DatabaseOracle.php to implode the array to a comma separated list before passing it on to the variable. I found that this problem occurred two places, around line 1165 and 1168.

[roy@lonora02 db]# diff DatabaseOracle.php DatabaseOracle.php.orig
< $ob = is_array( $options['GROUP BY'] )
< ? implode( ',', $options['GROUP BY'] )
< : $options['GROUP BY'];
< $preLimitTail .= " GROUP BY {$ob}";
> $preLimitTail .= " GROUP BY {$options['GROUP BY']}";
< $ob = is_array( $options['ORDER BY'] )
< ? implode( ',', $options['ORDER BY'] )
< : $options['ORDER BY'];
< $preLimitTail .= " ORDER BY {$ob}";
> $preLimitTail .= " ORDER BY {$options['ORDER BY']}";

I really think it’s great that the MediaWiki team has taken the time to support Oracle database, not too many open source products like this do. The bugs I found have been reported and hopefully these issues will be all fixed by the next stable release.

Posted in Oracle, PHP, Technical | 1 Comment

Open source software alternatives for Oracle database

Here’s a very short list of open source server software that I have found to run smoothly with an Oracle database back-end. All will work with the free Express Edition.

Blog or Photoblog

While a bit of an overkill for a personal or small organization blog,  Drupal is just about the only tool I have found that works well with an Oracle back-end. Combined with the right theme and an image gallery, it should also be able to run a photoblog.  I really wish someone would adapt tools like Pixelpost and WordPress which both make it very easy to get a good looking site running. There was a project named orablog that looked promising, but appears to have been abandoned years ago.


I was genuinely surprised by how easy it was to get up and running with phpBB  on Oracle 11g XE.


Whether you are small brochure style website or an elaborate e-commerce site, Drupal should be able to accommodate most or all of your requirements. Although a bit of an overkill, it can even be used for something like a personal blog or photoblog.


Mediawiki which runs Wikipedia supports Oracle database. See my blog post on Installing MediaWiki 1.20.2 with Oracle 11g Express Edition to work around a couple of issues I had with the current release.

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PHP and Oracle on Ubuntu

I always meant to let my php scripts on my Ubuntu server access Oracle databases, thus quite possibly making it into a Linux, Apache, Oracle and PHP server. I do wonder how you would smoothly pronounce the resulting acronym.

Anyway, I often have the feeling that open source systems and commercial databases are intentionally made to not play well together. Despite myself, I recently found a nice article on how to install Oracle 11g instant client and building php with support for OCI.

The relatively simple instructions are for Ubuntu 10.04 but seems to work quite nicely on my Ubuntu 12.04 server. With any luck I’ll be pulling all sorts of interesting data from Oracle 11g using PHP before the end of the day.

PHPOracle – Community Ubuntu Documentation.

Ps: Make sure you get the 64-bit version of the Oracle instant client if installing on a 64-bit system 🙂

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Adding an additional listener to ODA

After deploying an Oracle Database Appliance, a standard set of production listeners are configured on bond0. This includes one listener on each of the virtual ip interfaces, and two SCAN listeners.

In my environment, I would very much like to have additional listeners on bond1. I use this as a management network, and find it convenient to let DBAs and operators run their tools over this network.

According to Oracle Support, there should not be any special considerations on ODA, and thus we can follow support note ID 1063571.1 just like we would with any other 11gR2 RAC infrastructure.

In my humble opinion, this particular support note isn’t too clear even if you have access to My Oracle Support, so I’ll describe the steps I used for my setup:

Production network on bond0 is
Management network on bond1 is

First out we need host file entries on both nodes for the new VIP interfaces:


# VIP HOSTNAMES oda1-vip oda2-vip oda1m-vip oda2m-vip

Next we add the virtual ip interfaces to CRS. The network resource (specified with the -k 2 option) should be create implicitly:


su – root
cd /u01/app/
./srvctl add vip -n oda1 -k 2 -A
./srvctl add vip -n oda2 -k 2 -A

We can verify that the network resource and the virtual ip interfaces have been created with crsctl:

[root@oda1 bin]# ./crsctl stat res -t |grep -E ‘net|vip’

The final step is to create the actual listener. Oracle reccomends that you do this with the  network configuration assistant netca. The command must be run from the grid user.

roy@kayna:~$ ssh oda1 -l grid -X
grid@oda1’s password:
Last login: Tue Oct 23 22:15:41 2012 from
/usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /home/grid/.Xauthority
[grid@oda1 ~]$ netca

Just select Listener confguration and then Add and walk through the wizard, selecting the correct network resource (subnet) along the way. Note that netca sees the original listener on  default port of 1521, and will not allow another on the same port. I went with a name of LISTENER_M and a port of 1522 for my configuration.

This will take care of both listener.ora and OCR configuration.

However, I really do want the new listener to be listening the default port of 1521. netca complains that another listener is already configured on this port, even though it’s not on the same interface. The workaround is to manually remove and recreate the listener with srvctl using the -s option.

su – grid
srvctl stop listener -l LISTENER_M
srvctl remove listener LISTENER_M
srvctl add listener -l LISTENER_M -s -p 1521 -k 2
srvctl start listener -l LISTENER_M

We’re all set, and can now see the new listener (along with the default listeners) on the correct interface and port using netstat.

[grid@oda1 ~]$ netstat -ln | grep 1521
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
[grid@oma1 ~]$ ssh oma2
[grid@oma2 ~]$ netstat -ln | grep 1521
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

or with lsnrctl

[grid@oda2 ~]$ lsnrctl status LISTENER_M

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version – Production on 23-OCT-2012 22:47:00

Copyright (c) 1991, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version – Production
Start Date 23-OCT-2012 22:36:49
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 10 min. 13 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File /u01/app/
Listener Log File /u01/app/
Listening Endpoints Summary…
The listener supports no services
The command completed successfully

As you can see, the listener is up but supporting no services. Unless we want this to be a static listener, we need to tell the database to make it’s presence known.

We accomplish this by using the new LISTENER_NETWORKS parameter.

SQL> alter system set listener_networks = ‘((NAME=MGMT_NET)(LOCAL_LISTENER=oda1m-vip:1521)(REMOTE_LISTENER=oda2m-vip:1521))’ SID=’testdb1′ SCOPE=both;

System altered.

SQL> alter system set listener_networks = ‘((NAME=MGMT_NET)(LOCAL_LISTENER=oda2m-vip:1521)(REMOTE_LISTENER=oda1m-vip:1521))’ SID=’testdb2′ scope=both;

System altered.

A new look at the listener status will show that the instances are now properly registered:

Services Summary…
Service “TESTDB” has 2 instance(s).
Instance “TESTSB1”, status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
Instance “TESTDB2”, status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
The command completed successfully



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Restore database to new or redeployed ODA

Doing a restore from an RMAN backup to a freshly deployed Oracle Database Appliance seems like a conceivable scenario, so I figured it would be nice to have tried it at least once.

For this test, I have a backupset on /s01/backup/testdb/ and no backup catalog. I have deployed the ODA using the parameter file from the original deploy, so that network and grid infrastrcuture configuration as well as database and instance names are the same.

First, we need the DBID of the old database. One place to see it is in the file name of the control file auto backup. The first number is the DBID: testdb_c-60599356-20121022-03

We must also figure out the controfile autobackup format, I have it set to /s01/backup/testdb/testdb_%F

Similarly we need the location of the SPFILE on the new database, which we can find with show parameter spfile. In this case it’s +DATA/testdb/testdb.ora

Now we can shut down the instance on both nodes, and fire up RMAN on node 1 to restore the SPFILE.

set ORACLE_SID=testdb1
rman target /
set DBID =  60599356;
startup nomount;
restore spfile to pfile ‘/tmp/dummy.ora’ from autobackup;
shutdown immediate;
startup nomount pfile=’/tmp/dummy.ora’;
restore spfile to ‘+DATA/testdb/spfiletestdb.ora’ from autobackup;
shutdown immediate;

Ok, we first restored the spfile and converted it to a dummy pfile – just so we could get the newly deployed spfile out of the way, start the database from the pfile, and restore the spfile back to it’s original location. Next up is the control files:

startup nomount;
restore controlfile from autobackup;
shutdown immediate;
startup nomount;

That was rather easy. If you do have archive logs or backup pieces that are newer than the control file snapshot, they should now be cataloged:

catalog archivelog /s01/secondary_archive/2012_10_23_testdb_4445.arc;

I don’t have anything to add, so I’m all set for restore.

alter database mount;
restore database;
recover database;

Since I don’t have a copy of the most current archive log, I must then settle for an incomplete recovery and open the database with resetlogs;

alter database open resetlogs;

Database is back in business. Any changes between time of backup  and  time of failure are lost.

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